Volunteer with us!

Volunteering at the food pantry is a semester commitment, but is flexible for any student's schedule. As an organization, we understand that academics are your priority and we are happy to work around your schedule. We do ask our volunteers to commit at least 1 hour per week, 2-4 hours for volunteer incentives for the semester you plan to serve. Most often, volunteers are assigned a recurring shift once a week that takes no longer than 2 hours.

Volunteers can work during the pantry's operating hours and/or help with the inventory process when deliveries come. During our operating hours, volunteers will supervise the pantry, greet, and assist our clients. With inventory, volunteers will help receive donations at the IMU and weigh donated produce/toiletries, and stock the pantry.

Volunteers may have the opportunity to do shifts at the clothing closet and participate in extra opportunities such as being a part of the Food Pantry's homecoming parade or student organization fairs.

Volunteers are required to complete FERPA training and attend the beginning of the semester orientation to train on duties/responsibilities, expectations, food pantry's principles, and vision. After orientation season, if volunteers are selected to a shift, they must complete a 30-minute training provided by the pantry's staff or lead volunteers.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please email us at studorg-foodpantry@uiowa.edu.